MMM Financial Ideology
The modern world is bad. It is inhumane, unfair and unjust. This is the world of money. It is not for people. It is for those who who produce this money, for bankers and financiers, government and millionaires. And people are mere "pawns" in this game. They just serve them as attendants.
Why do bankers work less and earn a hundred times more?
What lies behind the social welfare? Labor. But why do bankers live a hundred times better than common people who really work hard? Do the bankers work harder? Definitely they don't! In addition they do not even produce any material values, as opposed to the workers. Why then the difference in income is so enormous?
Many wonder with all sincerity now, reading this: "Well... a banker and a worker, they cannot be compared! The banker-the head of the Bank, he has power over money, and is well-connected. And we are ordinary people, having no power or clout. Naturally, the banker lives better than we do.
Meanwhile, there is nothing "natural" here. The point is that everyone got used to this state of affairs and takes it as a matter of course. People believe that this is the way of the world, that a banker has to live better and it cannot be otherwise. But in reality things are different and the situation can be changed!!
But yet, why? Why does the banker work less, but live better? Better than a factory worker, miner, oil rigger, or woodcutter? Because the banker has always got money. Exactly! It's all about money! MONEY! This is the whole point, the cornerstone! And about it, we should talk in more details.
If money is a measure of labour, why is the world unjust?
So, what is money? Have you ever thought about it? May be it is a calculation tool or a measure of labor? As we are told from childhood, we have to work, work and work, because money won’t fall down from the sky. It should be honestly and hardly earned! Everyone was led to believe it from the cradle . It's interesting, what would billionaires say to that, who honestly and hardly earned all their billions. It's ridiculous, isn't it?
Well, we work without cease. But what should we expect in the end? Low wages and pensions, and no rest, but a constant struggle with debts. And half-starved old age... You have spent all your life, working for billionaires, you have been taken away all your power, energy and health, you’ve been squeezed like a lemon, and after that you’ve been just thrown into the dustbin as a write-off.
Is it right? But that's the world. This horrific reality of the modern society. This is what we should all expect in the end almost certainly; everything ends up in this way for the vast majority of people in today's world. As it ended up for their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers ... As it will end up, in the present state of affairs, for their children and grandchildren ... great-grandchildren ... Then, in their turn, for their children and grandchildren ... And so on ... That's the way of the world.
Why? All of this is wrong, unfair! It must not exist! Why do some people have everything, but others have nothing? Why do some people walk in golden slippers, but the others barely make ends meet? They don’t know how to feed their children, although all of them “work honestly”. Why does it happen?! Yet we are all the people. We are "equal", aren’t we? Then why?!
Because there is a lie around us. A huge, continuous, monstrous, embellishing lie. Do not believe anything that is broadcasted daily on TV by satiated and well-groomed masters of life.
And people are not equal, and the money is not even a measure of labor. All of this is an insolent and shameless lie. We are surrounded by lie! And still most people trust it all and continue to live in the unfair and unjust world. Why do they cheat you? Just to make it easier to control you.
Is everyone of us equal? It's nonsense!
Imagine yourself as a billionaire now. Or even as an ordinary worthless member of the parliament. Are you equal? In what? You live in a different way, eat in a different way, and rest in a different way. In one day he spends more than you spend for a year! His wife is wearing underclothes more expensive than the whole wardrobe of your wife... He is treated in the best Swiss clinics. And what about you? His children and yours.. Have you compared? Well, where is your "equality"?
Perhaps, you are equal in the rights, aren’t you? Oh, but we forgot about the rights. As it is written in the Constitution of different countries, isn’t it? But let's try to find out, what kind of “equal” rights do we have with oligarchs or bankers? Just a curious!
The right to work? Well, we have such a right. However some really work for peanuts, whereas the others hardly do anything, earning millions and billions. Is it normal?
The right to elect and to be elected? Hmm ... Well, you can elect, of course, you’re welcome. And what about "to be elected"? Here's quite different story. To take part in election campaigns you need a lot of money. And where is it coming from? You will never earn it as a typical worker. Therefore in government there are the people who have extensive financial stock. It's problematic to participate in the elections for an average person and there's no way to win.
In fact, people are not equal in anything. A constantly progressing social inequality — here's the real picture!
So, what is money?
Now we move on to money. Of course, money is not any "measure of labor". These are fairy tales for idiots. Otherwise you would live like a lord. Or maybe you don’t work much enough? Unfortunately, money is just a tool to hold all of us in slavery. We are all slaves. Slaves of money. More precisely, we are slaves of those, who print money. They are our masters.
In fact, nothing has been changed at all during all these centuries on Earth. We have been living so far in the slave-owning system, which has undergone merely external transformations. Everything has become just more civilized and sophisticated. If anciently slaves had real shackles — rusty and steel, then today they are merely invisible, though they still exist. We don’t seem to have them, and can go wherever we want. There are no shackles, we are supposedly free! However, things are different. It is money that is our shackles in the modern world.
In practice none of us is free. "Freedom" is an illusion. Money — that's the point! We are really nothing without money. We need a home, clothes, food and cannot live in a cave and even to go hunting, we need money now. It is necessary to have money everywhere! Because everything around us is just for money. You cannot make a single step without it! But where can we find money? Maybe to earn it?
Have you ever wondered that it is immoral to trade yourself? That it is a kind of prostitution to sell your own strengths, brains, time... What is the difference from the trading your own body? Well, but you will object that people have to work. If everybody would stop doing his job, what’s going to happen then?! We will resettle in cave again, won’t we?
That’s ridiculous. The same "convincing" arguments could be heard for sure in the slave society, when the slaveholders had been trying to make understand their slaves, who, for some reason, didn’t want to work for them, and asked different questions. And later, the same arguments the landlords told their serfs clearly and confidently: "After all, if you stop working, what’s going to happen then?! Our society will collapse! And we will die of hunger!!!"
Yes, it is necessary to work, to create something useful for the society. Otherwise the society will degrade and die. But firstly, we have to work voluntarily, not for a bowl of soup and not only in order to survive; we have to do what we like!
And secondly, while we are on the subject, once it is necessary to work — it is necessary for everyone. All people are equal, aren’t they? So let everybody work. The situation, when some people earn money (in the mines, at the factory, wasting their effort and health!) while others simply print it (sitting back and sipping an exotic cocktail), is abnormal. Such a situation is not acceptable in principle. And there are no "explanations" and excuses to this state of affairs. Absolutely!
Money is just a paper, candy wrappers, which is not backed by anything tangible and, according to that, money is simply printed unrestrictedly, to anyone's heart's content. And then these candy wrappers are distributed among the slaves (among the likes of us) as "wages for labor". When we are given an extra wrapper (our salary is increased) — we are happy. Are you shocked? Alas, that's our bitter reality.
The whole financial world is a pyramid!
How is the financial world organized? It is a pyramid. The Fed the U.S. Federal Reserve System is at the top of it. The Fed creates dollars. How much? As much as they want! Of course, Fed adhere to some of their own internal rules and regulations; they try, for example, not to create too many dollars to prevent complete devaluation of the currency, and etc. But in principle the Fed can create as many dollars as they want. At least, there are no any external limitations for that. Absolutely! The U.S. Fed is guided solely by the reasons of expediency.
The lower levels of this global pyramid are the central banks of different countries; all other local national banks are situated on even lower levels. (Of course, all of this is slightly simplified, but in general everything reflects an overall picture). Actually, why do we need banks? Speaking figuratively, banks play the role of blood vessels in the social organism. Through these vessels the money (blood) from the heart (the Central Bank) enters all its organs. Money (blood) wash these organs, it brings life to them!.. Such an interesting comparison :-))
In which connection dollars are mentioned here? And what relation does the Fed have to us, ordinary people? Basically, the most direct relation! After all, dollar is the global currency. No one Central Bank can print its currency in desirable quantity without permission of the U.S. Fed! It is out of question! By no means! As soon as some country supplied its resources to the USA for a billion dollars (exchanged its actual raw stock for a wagon of colored pieces of paper with the pictures of great American presidents), then it will be allowed to print the local currency in the amount of billion dollars. Now it is permitted, and this is the only way. Otherwise, such a country will be turned out from the IMF, its currency will become inconvertible and so on. In short, the measures will be taken immediately.
And yet, why does a banker live better than a worker? We still have no answer! He prints money, and a worker, for example, builds houses or works in mining industry. It is also very important. Does the banker work harder and give more benefits to the society? Of course not. Then why does he live better?
And one more interesting question in addition. I have been working and working, completing the whole plan, with a clear conscience, daily — from morning to night, for public benefit. As it seems, I have been doing my best. But anyway I can’t pay off the loans. And all my friends are in the same situation. Is it normal? It is obviously wrong and unfair! This is eternal credit bondage. Why do we always owe money to anyone? Why are we all-time bank debtors?!
In short, they make fools of the common people. As usual — nothing new. The rich take advantage of the fact that we, simple hard workers, don’t have time to figure out all these tricky schemes, we have to feed our families. That’s why they take advantage of this situation.
How do banks deceive people?
Let's figure out quietly and without haste. But you have to strain your brains. It's not easy to unravel in a couple of minutes those things which have been tangled during the centuries by the best sophisticated minds of mankind, seeking only wealth accumulation for their personal needs.
Let’s make an example. Let it be a Adam and Steven. And let it be Leonard, a banker of Adam and Steven. They both keep their money in his bank. Adam really wants to buy ….well, let's say, Steven’s bicycle. But he has no money. More precisely, he has money, but not enough — only $10, while Steven wants as much as $100 for his precious bicycle. That is a problem!
What is Adam going to do? He gives Steven his $10 as a deposit and asks not to sell the bike to anyone. He says that he will bring the remaining sum soon. In the meantime he runs to his bank, to the respected Leonard, to get a loan for the missing $90.
As ill luck Leonard has no money at this moment, but he knows perfectly about $10, which Adam gave Steven. And where will Steven bring this money to? That's right, he will put these $10 in his lovely bank, to the same Leonard. Therefore Leonard asks Adam to come back tomorrow. In the hope that tomorrow he will get these $10.
And everything happens in this way. The next day Steven brings $10 to the bank, the bank provides Adam these $10 on credit. Adam immediately gives them Steven, who again puts them in a bank, the bank again provides Adam these $10 on credit, etc. As long as Adam the fool will gather enough money for the bicycle.
So what do we have in the end? Adam finally got the bike from Steven, but at the same time Adam owes $90 to the bank (Leonard), and the bank, in its turn, owes $100 to Steven.
In other words, those $10, which were existed initially, have magically turned into $200 ($190 of debts plus real $10)!
(But these $10 would also turn into a thousand dollars. Even in a million or a billion! If the purchase was more expensive. In that case our $10 would make the increasing number of its cycles, circuits from hands to hands. That's just the procedure!)
So, what happens in today’s world!? It appears that banks also "draw" money without problems?! Not only Fed can produce money, but the banks either! And in fact, these banks multiply money without any control! And we're still wondering, why does the banker live better? Is it clear now, why? The one, who produces the money, of course, lives better!
But this is not enough! From this moment poor Adam will never be able to repay his debts owed to the bank! No matter how hard he would work. Now he is in slavery to the bank, in credit bondage forever. Because those $90, which he owes to Leonard, do not exist in nature! At all! Sly Leonard made this money out of nothing; he created them out of thin air! Just one click! And $10 turned into $200.
Yes, but you can object reasonably that the bank itself owes $100 to Steven. And it turns out, that bank is in credit bondage to Steven and it won’t be able to repay its debts owed to Steven either. So where is the bank’s profit? What's the trick?
Ha! You ask what the trick is! This trick is in the fact, that bank has a lot of such "Stevens", thousands and millions, and they will never come for their money all at once. If one Steven comes, the bank will return him the money of ten other depositors, that's it. It means that the bank’s debt is neither dangerous nor burdensome. In fact, bank’s debt is virtual, it exists only on the paper or in the computer program. It will never be repaid in reality. Only in case of panic it happens, when frightened "Stevens" suddenly come for their money — all at once! Or maybe you know any other reason why banks go bankrupt from time to time? Here's why. Because there is no enough money for all depositors! There is a 90% of thin air in the bank vaults.
Thus, the bank is OK. It sails before the wind. We don’t need to worry about it. But our Adam has serious problems now. He has to repay all the debts owed in bank! Completely!! Moreover with interests and, possibly, penalties. He will be forced to take new credits in order to repay the old ones. Then again the new loan… and again... and again… endlessly, until his death! And there is no way out of this credit running knot. It does not exist in principle! That's it! Trap has been slammed. Now Adam is a perpetual debtor of the bank. He is a slave. From now on he will work for the bank for years on end... Until he dies. But still he won’t repay the debts. And after his death his children and grandchildren will work for this bank. They all are the future servants of banks. More precisely, they are servants of this inefficient and unfair global financial system, which spawned this ruthless and inhuman mechanism. And this mechanism must be finally destroyed.
A new fair financial system will be established!
Financial Apocalypse! That’s the only thing that can break our financial chains and save us all. Release us finally from the continuous slavery. Everything old will burn in its fire and the new will appear. The Fed will be removed from power and will no longer develop social inequality. The banks as they are now will simply disappear. They will stop robbing the people. In fact the banks do not produce anything useful. What useful can they do? Give credits at plundering interests? As a result all the population is burdened with debts.
Why do the banks get interests for the credit at all? Have you ever thought about it? Usury was always despised by all nations, and now it is legalized. Why? If a person takes a loan in the bank, then not for nothing, but to do something good, to realize some project. But he applies his efforts for the welfare of the society including bankers. Making something useful for all of us. We should encourage such people, making discounts but not collecting from them huge interests!
Nevertheless, modern banks were created for other purposes. They aren’t interested in the society but in their own goals. People aren’t important for them. Modern banks are loyal servants of the Fed, hypocritical agents, misusing the products of labor of common people. The current financial system is merely destructing us. And it will continue attacking us, and then our children and grandchildren. It will get even worse if nothing changes. We will destroy the existing financial system and build new — fair and honest! We have no other choice. We are not slaves. We are people. And we choose freedom!
And this freedom is almost here already. Now, thanks to MMM financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Unavoidable! Since now it’s just the question of time. The seed was dropped. And it would grow. It’s already growing. Right now, at this moment! It will not perish!
What does MMM stand for?
MMM is a Global Mutual Aid Fund, World people's Bank, Financial Social Network — or any definition whatsoever. The point is not in the title. The bottom line is that this is a voluntary informal association of millions and millions of people throughout the Earth, rebelled against the financial slavery, chose to declare war against the Fed and banks. (And to win this war!!) And for this aim they have consolidated their capital — even though there are small amounts, owing to a great number, that is millions of people, it's already the power. Awesome and invincible power, growing every day!
Well how do banks exist? Thanks to bankers? Billionaires? No, due to the same ordinary people who deposit their modest savings there. MMM takes the wind out of banks' sails making people see the reality. Why do the people bring their money to the banks at the exorbitant interests? Because they have no other choice. Banks are monopolists: there is no other place to bring money to. All banks are just the same, and controlled by the FED. They simply destroy ordinary people.
And now we have an alternative — MMM! It’s something close to our hearts! Here people help each other. Today you help and tomorrow you will be helped. It’s the main principle of MMM. Do you really want bankers to buy another limousine or house for your money? You should not become another slave. Better join MMM and your money will help those who really need it! Poor people, retirees, disabled people…Woman with many children. Love thy neighbour! Help him.
It’s a kind of common storage box where people save their money and then take it when needed. The amount you need at the certain moment. (They do not steel but namely take money)!
Actually, people don’t need a lot of money. They need consciousness that they have it. Confidence in tomorrow’s day is what everybody really needs. It is just MMM that gives this confidence! It gives a feeling of partnership, that you aren’t alone! At the difficult moment you will never be abandoned but you will always be helped and supported! MMM is a unit of new society, brighter and better. New world, where there won’t be money. Current money. Where everything will be otherwise… Fair and honest. Where there won’t be any slaves or owners. Where everybody will work for their own pleasure and for the whole society. Where Good will defeat Evil! It will be so! There are no doubts!!
Welcome to the System! Together we will change the world!
Section I: Bank
A bank is a simple business that makes money with money.
Currency is a general equivalent, a medium of exchange, and its essence is the symbol of wealth.
The currency has a history of 5,000 years, and there are nearly 200 kinds of currencies in 213 countries and regions around the world.
1) Physical currency: Refers to physical commodity with equal value for both monetary and non-monetary purposes, such as shells, cloth, silk, salt, cattle, sheep, etc. For example, a sheep can be used as a commodity, you can either eat it, or use it as money to buy something, if its value is RMB100, you can buy RMB100 rice. Metal currency is representative, such as gold coin and silver coin.
2) Paper money: It is a legal currency, a currency symbol with no value in itself. The government legislates to force circulation and cannot convert metal currency. The sum of paper money and coins is called currency or cash.
Gold and silver currency means "actual possession" with storage value and no inflation; the legal currency represents “IOUS and promises” without storage value, which inevitably generates inflation.
3)A brief history of currency development:
Ancient Ages; consensus of barter -- inconvenient for exchange and circulation;
Medieval Ages; consensus of gold/solver - exchange between gold/silver and articles, accelerated circulation, surplus value can be stored in gold and silver;
Late Antiquity; Virtual consensus of silver tickets and paper money-- Exchange between silver tickets/paper money and articles, fast circulation;
Modern; Virtual consensus of electronic currency -- exchange between electronic currency and articles, very fast circulation;
Future Trends; Virtual consensus of cryptocurrency -- cryptocurrency breaks exchange barriers; free worldwide circulation of wealth;
Ultimate Trends; The combination of articles and cryptocurrency -- letting financial bank full of deception return to the real world; automatic global payment system;
Exchanging articles for articles in ancient times - Exchanging gold and silver for articles - Exchanging gold and silver for credit silver tickets --Exchanging credit silver tickets for articles - Financial bank deception begins
Countries issue credit paper money - paper money is used for exchanging articles - paper money is used to exchange electronic currency - electronic currency is used to exchange articles
In the future, the currency form will be transformed from cryptocurrency to the combination of articles and cryptocurrency. The real value will return to the initial stage. Bank deception and currency overissue fraud will eventually be revolutionized!
The word "bank" originates from Italian Banca, and its original meaning is benches and chairs. The English translation is Bank, which means a money box for money deposit and withdrawal. In the 13th century, Venice, Genoa and other Mediterranean cities in Italy gathered merchants from all over the world due to the convenient water transportation, and became the most prosperous trade center in Europe. At that time, the currencies of different countries were not unified, and even the currency of a country was not unified, which required someone to evaluate and exchange currencies. These people sit on the bench of the harbor, waiting for people to evaluate and change money, so they are called "banker", and their business is bank. Currency exchange and custody were the earliest functions of banks.
3.The story of the British goldsmith banker
Goldsmiths are handicraftsmen who are specialized in processing gold.
In the 16th century, some of the commoners became wealthy merchants by doing business. Money at that time meant gold. For the sake of safety, they kept the money in the king's vault and paid the deposit fee. If the King wanted to fight, he would "borrow" the merchants' gold by force and he would naturally return back if he won, but if he lost? The merchants felt unsafe, so they deposited their gold to the goldsmith. The merchants entrusted the gold to the goldsmith, who issued a receipt with an exclusive mark. The merchants could collect the gold at any time according to the receipt.In the process, the goldsmiths gradually found that people would not exchange receipts for gold at the same time. And soon the merchants also found that when they needed money, they did not need to go to the goldsmith to take out the gold.The seller receives the goldsmith's note as if it were gold.
One day, the goldsmiths suddenly realized that their gold certificates were just like gold, which had the same effect of money. Then they could not resist the temptation and began to issue "fake certificates".As long as all merchants did not come to collect gold on the same day, "fake certificates" were equivalent to "real certificates".This is the origin of the "reserve system" in modern banks, and also the origin of the "money creation" mechanism. The "fake notes " of goldsmiths slowly led to a new business: lending.The goldsmith was the first lender.
The goldsmith only needed to keep a certain percentage of the gold in his vault to meet his clients' temporary exchange requirements, and the rest of the gold could be lent out for interest. No one could imagine that the goldsmiths “sneaky and self-serving behavior” would evolve into the most important innovation in monetary history -- The Partial Reserve System. This system defines the relationship between the loan-to-deposit ratio and becomes the standard to measure the risk and soundness of modern banks.
4. Loan and interest
At first the goldsmith made small profits by lending out his own gold, but later he made big profits by lending out the gold that the merchants kept with him. When the goldsmith lent his money, he didn’t give the real gold to the other side, but just gave the other side a gold slip. There were rumors that the goldsmith embezzle merchants' gold to make loans. So the merchants went to the goldsmith's vault to see what happened. They found that their gold was still there, and they were relieved. And then more merchants put their gold with the goldsmith, because the goldsmith not only did not charge the deposit fee, but also paid them interest! Since then the goldsmith became a banker.
With the development of British maritime trade, more and more people came to borrow, but the goldsmith did not have so much gold to lend. One day the goldsmith suddenly thought that no one except himself knew how much gold there was in his vault, and that he could have issued more gold certificates, even though there was not so much gold in the vault. His plan worked well and he soon became a millionaire. For a long time, people didn't know that bankers created money out of nothing. Soon there was a rumor that the goldsmith had issued more notes than the gold in the vaults! So the borrower then demanded they didn’t want the notes, but the gold itself. The big merchants also took their gold out of the vaults. So the goldsmith was exposed.When the merchants came back and retrieved the gold, the goldsmith could not bring it out, and the merchants handed the goldsmith over to the court for trial.
As the goldsmith's practice was crucial to the development of British international trade, the judge not only did not convict him, but also made the government legalize his behavior of benefiting himself at other people's cost and made the corresponding provision, that is, the reserve ratio for some deposits was 10%. Officials would raid the goldsmith's vaults to see if 10% of the gold was retained as required. In addition, a central bank was set up to send gold in emergencies to commercial banks so that they could redeem the gold receipts they issued.
Banks transformed currency into capital through deposits and loans, which was an important leap in the history of currency.
Family bank, private bank evolved into joint-stock commercial bank gradually, and completed the second leap.
The Monte dei Paschi di Siena, founded in 1472, is the oldest bank with 546 years of history and the third largest bank in Italy.
The Bank of England, founded in 1694, was the earliest joint-stock bank.
The Bank of England was the earliest central bank after its reorganization in 1844
Section Ⅱ: The Partial Reserve System
1.Bank reserves
It refers to the funds reserved by banks and other financial institutions in the central bank to ensure that customers withdraw deposits and liquidate funds. The ratio of deposit reserve required by the central bank to its total deposit is the deposit reserve ratio.
2.The Partial Reserve System
It is the system that the Federal Reserve stipulates in legal form that commercial banks must deposit reserve with the central bank.
For example, if a customer deposits US$10 million n a commercial bank and the required reserve ratio is 10%, the commercial bank must deposit US$1 million in the central bank and can only use the remaining US$9 million for lending or other business.
3.Make money: Origin of Partial Deposit Reserve System
The Partial Reserve System has the function of money creation and is also the legal basis for banks to make profits from nothing (assuming that the deposit reservation ratio is 20%, taking banks in developing countries as an example)
1) If A deposit RMB1,000 in ICBC, ICBC must deposit RMB200 in central bank, and ICBC lends RMB800 to B.
2) B buy clothes and swipe RMB800, the shopkeeper uses the POS machine of the Agricultural Bank of China, that is, the shopkeeper deposits RMB800 in the Agricultural Bank of China, and the Agricultural Bank lends RMB640 to C.
3) C transfers the rent of RMB640 to the landlord's Bank of China account, that is, the landlord deposits RMB640 in the Bank of China and the Bank of China lends RMB512 to D.
4) D spends RMB512 by swiping card or transferring money, and so on, that is, 1000+800+640+512+…..=RMB 5000.
Formula: Total deposit =Original deposit * The reciprocal of legal deposit reserve ratio, RMB5000 = 1000 x 1/20%
Among them, RMB1000 is the original deposit and RMB4000 is the derivative deposit.
Formula: Derivative deposit= Original deposit (The reciprocal of legal deposit reserve ratio-1), that is, RMB4000=1000(1/20%-1).
The RMB4,000 (loan) was created by banks from nothing. As long as someone borrows, the banking system can generate multiple deposit currencies.
Deposit reserve ratio originated from the United Kingdom at first, then the United States adopted it as a policy in the form of legislation. In China, a developing country, legal deposit reserve ratio system began in 1985. Compared with the major global economies, China's legal deposit reserve ratio is absolutely high. In China, a developing country, legal deposit reserve ratio began in 1985. Compared with the major global economies, China's legal deposit reserve ratio is absolutely high. Since the end of 2011, China has lowered the RMB deposit reserve ratio for financial institutions at least 13 times in a row, including overall and targeted cuts.The RMB deposit reserve ratio of large deposit financial institutions has dropped from 21.5% in November 2011 to 16% in May 2018. The RMB deposit reserve ratio of small and medium-sized deposit financial institutions has dropped from 19.5% to 14%, all of which have achieved a 5.5% reduction. For example, if you deposit RMB100 in a big bank in China, the big bank in China has handed 16 yuan to the Central Bank of China.
The central bank's regulation on the legal deposit reserve ratio was originally designed to reduce the operational risk of commercial banks and protect depositors' deposit security; later, it was gradually used as a monetary policy tool to control the credit scale and money supply.Now the deposit reserve ratio of some developed countries is 0.
We see a short story in Mavrodi's Ideology. Nick wanted to buy Jenny's US$100 bicycle, but he only had US$10. At first, he gave Jenny the US$ dollars as deposit, then went to the bank to borrow money. It happened that the bank had no money. The bank said to Nick, you could borrow tomorrow, because the bank knew that Jenny would deposit US$10 of Nick's deposit in his bank, and second day, Nick borrowed US$10 from the bank and then gave to Jenny again,and later Jenny deposited the US$10 again in bank, and the bank borrowed the US$10 again to Nick. In fact, only Nick's original deposit was US$10 and turned 10 circles into 200 dollars. Of which US$10 were the real money, and the remaining US$190 were all debt, that is, the bank created money out of nothing. This is an example of a deposit reserve ratio of 0 (Nick turned 10 rounds into loans). The idea is that if Nick buys something big enough and turns around enough, he can turn it into tens of millions of billions.
Section Ⅲ: Bank Scam
The Partial Reserve System is the foundation of modern banks, but it is extremely deceptive and risky. Bankers are gamblers, when the economic situation is good, profits will roll in; but when the economic situation deteriorates, or the pressure is wrong, it will cause financial crisis.
We have been taught to form a good habit of saving since childhood. Children have their own bank accounts: Children's bank cards are bank cards for children under the age of 16, but no one tells us where the money comes from. It seems that this is a problem that everyone knows.
No one has taught us anything about money, because some people are afraid that we know the truth and that we know that money is a trick and a trap. What's more, scholars deliberately make economic phenomena very complicated, which ordinary people can't understand. One economist said that in all fields of economic research, the study of money is the most complex, with the purpose of hiding or avoiding the truth, rather than revealing the truth.
First of all, we should clarify three misunderstandings and misleading, and find out the truth.
1) We often say"deposit money in the bank" but this is misunderstanding and misleading.When you go to the bank and deposit money, you haven’t put it in the bank, you lend it to the bank.So the bank gives you interest. If you deposit valuables or documents in a bank custody or safe box, that is the "deposit money in the bank".
2)The number shown in your bank account is not the number of money you have deposited (lent to the bank), but the number that the bank promises to return to you in the future.
The money that we deposit (that we lend ) to the bank becomes the bank's money, it's not our money anymore, the bank is allowed by law to do whatever it wants with our money, including gambling, making risky investments, etc.
For example, if you deposit RMB1,000 in the bank, the reserve ratio of the bank is 16%. Then your RMB840 has been lent to the lender by the bank. Why does your bank account still show RMB1,000? This is because the bank has retained its RMB1,000 debit note in your account, which means the bank credit of RMB1,000.
(The difference between our money and the bank's credit, that is, the bank's promise to pay, is huge.) . The difference is not semantic or trivial, but crucial.
3) The words borrower and lender are also misleading.
You go to the bank to borrow RMB100,000. After signing the agreement, the bank puts RMB100,000 into your account, which seems that the bank lends you RMB100,000 : you are the borrower, the bank is the lender. In fact, the truth is that you and the bank transaction (exchange) payment commitment: you promise to repay the principal and interest due, otherwise the mortgage will be returned to the bank; the bank promises to pay you the principal according to the agreement.
It is important to remember that the banks' promise to pay is called as bank credit or checkbook money, which can be legally used as money.
To see through the bank scam, firstly we should know: Where does the money come from?
1.Create currency out of nothing
As we all know, money comes from the central bank's money printing plant and the mint. That's true, but only a fraction of it comes from central banks, and the vast majority of the money is created by banks from nothing! Only 3% of the world's currency is in the form of notes and COINS, which means that 97% of the world's currency is nothing more than a number typed out of a computer screen.
2. Banks issue money in the form of debts
When the borrower goes to the bank to borrow money and signs a loan agreement with the bank, the bank will directly make money from the borrower's repayment commitments, borrow money by using his house, car and other mortgages, and then directly enter the number into the borrower's bank account, so as to make money. For example, if you borrow RMB100,000 from the bank, the bank will input RMB 100,000 into your account, and no one has deposited the RMB100,000. In our daily life, if you borrow a hammer from your neighbor, the neighbor must have a hammer before he can lend it to you, while the bank can lend you money without money, that is, the bank lends you money that does not exist.
Irving Fisher (America's first physical economist, who turned economics into a more sophisticated science): Banks lend you not money, but a promise, a promise to provide you with money that banks do not have.
Before, we all thought that if you go to the bank to borrow money, the bank will lend you the money deposited in the bank. Now we know that the bank only lends you its payment promise, that is, to lend you the air.Banks don't have money, they create money out of debt.In the past, money represented value, but now it represents debt. In the current financial and monetary system: money is debt, debt is money, interest costs are debt, no debt, no money. If an individual pays off his debts, he will have more money; if the whole society pays off his debts, the whole society will have no money!
3. Create only the principal of debt, not the interest on debt
Bankers create money out of nothing and issue it in debt. They create only the principal part of the debt, not the interest part. That way, there will never be enough money for everyone to repay the principal and interest.
So let's assume the entire planet has one dollar, and you borrow that dollar, and you promise to pay two dollars of interest and principal. So where do you get the other dollar to pay the interest? The answer is that you have to borrow the last dollar you have, and then promise to pay it back later. Now the earth has two dollars, and you owe four dollars, and so on.The corollary is that there will never be enough money to pay the debt. Under the current financial and monetary system, there is always more debt than money to pay it back.
That is to say, the current money creation system is mathematically inadequate, and the money issued (principal) is not equal to the money demanded (principal plus interest). We are forced to play chair-grabbing games, so money is scarce, bankruptcy and competition are inevitable. For example, when you go to the bank to buy a house with a loan of RMB one million, when you sign a loan document, the bank creates money out of nothing. One million of debt goes to you, while the bank becomes a creditor of one million , and your house serves as a mortgage.
You work for the bank for 30 years, pay off the loan principal and interest of 3 million yuan, or the bank takes your house. Bankers either get your life work or your house (usually both), all of which comes from the money that banks create out of nothing and issue in the form of debt. That's why bankers ultimately control all assets.
Mavrodi asks in his mind why bankers are so rich when they don't work. And those workers and farmers who work so hard have no money? Because bankers can make money from money, debt and empty money, which is the fundamental reason why bankers are rich. This is an institutional injustice.
The price of daily supplies and services will expand like a sponge as the money supply expands. The more money, the higher the price. The precise definition of inflation is the expansion of money supply, and price increases are merely its manifestation.
For example, in a small village, there are only RMB10 and 10 eggs. That egg can be sold for RMB1, and now it has RMB10 more, which has become RMB20, but there are only 10 eggs, so one egg can be sold for RMB2, which is inflation.
People usually think that inflation is a rise in prices. In fact, money has been depreciating. Every time the central bank prints money, it causes inflation. If money creation is balanced with the quantity of goods and services, there will be no inflation. Banks keep making money out of nothing to drive prices up and steal the value of our deposits.
was was equal to the current RMB 1-3 million. An item worth US$ 100 in 1913 cost US$ 2,230 in 2011. The price rose by 2130%, that is, US$ 1 has lost purchasing power of US$ 0.97. China's RMB 10,000 in the 1980s is equal to RMB 1 million to 3 million now.
The government has been pumping more money into circulation, making our people's purchasing power declining. Inflation is an insidious tax. Lenin said that inflation is the compulsory issuance of national debt. In fact, the biggest bandit in the world is the government, because inflation is robbing people's property.
Why is it also to make money out of thin air, one is a criminal act, the other is an industry practice?
1) If counterfeit money is not found in circulation, it will reduce our purchasing power, which is a kind of theft. Printing and selling counterfeit money is naturally a felony.
2) Taking a loan from banks , banks create money out of nothing, that is, create new purchasing power, which is exactly the same as counterfeit money. But this is not a theft, but rather the foundation of our monetary system. Now you can often get calls from banks to ask if there is any demand for loans. When someone comes to lend money, banks can make money out of nothing.
1) Banks are legal, protected by laws and monopolized; if you do not repay the principal and interest of loans, the courts will enforce you to repay.
2) Borrowers and banks are voluntary, neither of them is a victim. Where is the fraud?
3)The borrower gets the money, the buyer gets the car, and the dealer is happy.There seems to be no victim.
4) Finally, these loans slowly erode our purchasing power: ultimately, ordinary people are victims.
Nowadays, house prices are so high that many people buy houses by borrowing from banks. Banks make money out of nothing, which will eventually lead to rising prices, costs and wages. So inflation will hurt everyone.
Banks have never been involved in fraud, because the banks themselves are fraudulent.
FREDERIC BASTIAL (1901-1850), a political economist in France, said: When plunder becomes the lifestyle of a group of people in society, over time, they will create a legal system for themselves to legalize it.They also create a moral code for themselves that makes predation glorious.That's why it's a crime for you to kill someone, to be shot. If you kill hundreds of people and thousands of people, you are a hero, a general and a marshal.
In addition, in order to make the currency fraud can hide the truth for a long time, bankers bribe politicians, economists, mainstream media, multinational companies and so on. Then these politicians will serve the bankers, and they will say that the banking system must be saved! And then they will increase tax revenue, cut social expenditure, including education and health care, and extend retirement age.
The government's so-called emergency relief plan, economic stimulus plan, or quantitative easing, credit easing, or monetary intervention policy mean one thing to us: that is, we have to bear more debt! Solutions to excessive debt always add new debt! Resolve old debts with new debts, and fill old ones with more new holes.
The government's money ends up in the Banks.In 2008, after the subprime mortgage crisis, the us government's 4 trillion bailout funds were allocated to financial institutions closely related to the Federal Reserve, such as JPMorgan Chase (US$391 billion), Citigroup (US$251.3 billion) and Morgan Stanley (US$204.1 billion). One in ten million people in the world owns 66% of the world's wealth.
Small secrets need to be kept secret, while big secrets need not be kept secret, as long as the public can ignore them. If you want to tell people that the bank is a fraud, nobody believes you. People will think that you are foolish. The bank is legal, it opens every day and has existed for hundreds of years. You say that the bank is a fraud. Who believes it? Therefore, we must learn financial knowledge and urgently awake people to recognize the bank fraud! We have to stop supporting banking scams, that is, stop putting money in Banks.To take back control of money, Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, said that the right to issue money should be taken from Banks and returned to the people to whom it belonged.Former Bank of England President Johnson and Sir Josiah Stamp have said something like this. It's classic that modern banks make money out of nothing. The whole process may have been the most jaw-dropping conversion of human history! Unfairness breeds banking, which is born out of sin. Bankers are the owners of the planet. Even if they take the planet away, as long as they have the right to create money and control credit, they can create enough money to buy the planet back with a big stroke. If you want to continue to be a banker's slave and at your own expense, let them continue to create money and control credit.
SIR JOSIAH STAMP is the the governor of Bank of England , Tip-off Inside story
The pyramid stands firm because of its solid foundation. The people are at the bottom of the pyramid, which is the foundation of the pyramid. Without the support of the people, the pyramid of banking fraud will collapse.
Despite the fact that banks are deceptive and unfair, they have played an important role in promoting social development by collecting idle funds, lending loans to enterprises for development and supporting the country in economic construction. Macroscopically speaking, the role of banks is indeed great, but it is of no value to us personally as civilians.
The video reveals the biggest secret in human history. It's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet
Section IV: The Federal Reserve
Responsibilities of the central bank: Issue currency, stabilize currency value and act as the lender of last resort, i.e, bank’s bank, to promote economic development (the Federal Reserve performs the responsibilities of the central bank).
1. The Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve (abbreviated as FED) was set up in December 1913 to perform the duties of the US central bank, consisting of the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Open Market Committee, the Federal Reserve Bank, about 3 thousand member banks, and three advisory committees.
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) formulates U.S. monetary policy, regulates the 'Federal Funds Rate' by buying and selling US treasury bonds in the open market, then indirectly regulates short-and long-term interest rates in America, thus affecting the American and global economy.
For example, American policy of increasing the interest rate and decreasing the balance sheet has a great effect on the world economy. Due to this, currency keeps devaluing in Argentina from South America, Turkey from Asia including Indonesia. FED is a government agency organized in the private form to perform public purposes.
The so-called federal funds rate refers to the interest rate that banks charge other banks for lending them money from their reserve balances on an overnight basis. The change of such interest rate can sensitively reflect funds balance between banks. FED can have a direct effect on the costs of funds only by targeting and regulating inter-bank offered rate, and can communicate the funds surplus and deficiency information to industrial and commercial enterprises, which in turn influence consumption, investment and national economy.
FED is a government agency organized in the private form to perform public purposes. FED is a privately owned bank, all of whose shares are privately owned.
2.Independence of the Federal Reserve
FED exercises its powers independently and its decisions need not be approved by US president or the Congress. FED is overseen by Congress. Independence is its core characteristics. Traditionally, US president wouldn’t make any comments on FED’s policy of raising or decreasing the interest rate. But Trump is an exception. He breaks the tradition and publicly expresses dissatisfaction against FED’s policy of raising the interest. But FED is independent so it raises the interest rate all the same. In order to keep the value of dollars stable, FED’s independence is not subject to the influence of the government or the US president. Money supply is increased or decreased according to the needs of economic development and then why does FED’s policy of raising or decreasing the interest have so much impact on the world economy? So, we have to understand dollar hegemony, first of all, should understand the Bretton Woods system.
3. The Bretton Woods system
At the end of the World War II in July 1944, the representatives from 44 countries participating in the preparation of the United Nations held a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, to discuss about the postwar economic recovery at which the financial hegemony of the United States was established. After the conference, the parties signed a “Bretton Woods Agreement” and thus the Bretton Woods system, i.e., a new international monetary system was born.
The Bretton Woods system established the status of dollars(also known as U.S. dollar. At that time, the United States controlled 80% of the world gold reserves in the 1940s) as a central currency in the international monetary system and thus dollar became the “equivalent” of gold, for example, an ounce of gold is equal to US$35. American government was responsible for exchanging U.S. dollar for gold at official price. Then, U.S. Dollar, as the single pricing exchange rate, became the world currency.
After the world war II, the United States became the world power, a world police who exhausted all resources to build up its military power in the world. Especially in the Korean War and Vietnam War, the United States consumed a lot of gold reserve. Only 20% gold reserves were left.
In 1971, Nixon declared to abolish the Bretton Woods system and severed the link between dollars and the gold. As a result, dollar became colorful paper that could be printed freely.
Marvodi said in “Ideology” that the whole financial world was a pyramid!
How is the financial world organized? It is a pyramid and at the top is the Federal Reserve who is responsible for printing money and could print dollar as much as they want! Then the dollar become colorful wrap papers of candy!
Regardless of the face value of the dollar, the printing cost of each dollar is US$ 0.91.
Since the financial crisis erupted in the United States in 2008, FED has printed US$ 3.925 trillion, including US$ 700 billion in 2008.
In 2008, China, as a developing country, printed RMB 4 trillion.
At present, the total money supply in China is US$ 160 trillion, accounting for 1/3 of the total amount of currency in the world; someone estimates that this amount will be up to US$ 200 trillion in 2019; and US$ 300 trillion in 2023. Fortunately, the printed amount reduces along with China’s regulation.
4. Issuance of U.S. Dollar
1) Deficit budget of the United States government (public program, social welfare, war, etc.), congressional approval.
2) Treasury Department issues treasury bonds by auction and hands the dollars acquired as a result thereof over to U.S. Government.
3) 19 tier 1 securities firms (Big Banks and Sovereign Fund) approved by the Treasury Department are obligated to offer a price in the auction to buy U.S. treasury securities.
4) The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) regulates the 'Federal Funds Rate' by buying and selling US treasury bonds in the open market. By virtue of FOMC open market operation (reverse repo), tier 1 securities firms sell treasury bonds to FED to make a profit.
5) FED purchases treasury bonds from tier 1 securities firms with rubber check (mint) .
6) Then, tier 1 securities firms buy treasury bonds from the U.S. Treasury Department in the auction with FED’s empty promise.
7) Tier 1 securities firms sell treasury bonds to FED to make a profit and then FED gives these rubber checks to them (minting again).
8) American people pay personal income tax to Internal Revenue Service (IRS). IRS gives the tax amount to the Treasury Department which will use the tax amount to pay the principle and interests of treasury bonds. the Federal Reserve can make rubber checks to buy back treasury bonds from tier 1 securities firms.
In the past, there was no personal income tax. At the same year of the establishment of FED, US amended the constitution and permitted to collect personal income tax. But most of the tax revenues in US are not spent on schools, roads or public services but in paying the interests of bonds that were bought on the FED's bonds purchased from banks. But the FED doesn't have a penny in its account. It's cheating.
U. S. Treasury Department uses treasury bonds as mortgage and the Federal Reserve issues the dollar. We have to know that the dollar is debt currency that must use the treasury bonds as mortgage. Every dollar in circulation is a IOU, each generating interests for debt every day and the interests mounts up. All of these astronomical interests revenues are belong to the private bank systems that creates the dollar. FED turns over 94% of profits to U.S Treasury Department and the remaining 6% of profits are used to pay dividends of member banks.
In today's world, money is debt, debt is money, and interest fees are also debt. [The monetary system is an beautifully decorated system of slavery]. There are still two questions the government has yet to answer:
1) If the government could create the money required by the means of interest free, why would the government borrow these money from private banks and bear the interests? That is to say the U.S. government is able to issue the dollar by himself so why does the government use treasury bonds as mortgage and let FED, a private bank to issue dollar?
2) Why is money created in the form of debt? Why do we create money that can be circulated permanently?
Money=debt; debt=slavery; money=slavery=invisible golden handcuff
U.S. Dollar is debt currency . At present, it has the component of “debt currency”. It is half-debt currency. So, let’s take a look at authoritative reports.
According to the latest quarterly report of IIF, as of the fourth quarter in 2017, the total global debt is up to US$ 237 trillion, an increase of US$ 70 trillion from ten years ago. The debt amount increases by US$ 20 trillion in 2017. Now, the total debt amount of developed countries accounts for 382% of GDP; in the countries of emerging markets, this ratio is also up to 210%. the total debt amount of the United States is nearly US$ 60 trillion and the total amount of foreign debts is US$ 21 trillion.
As money means debt, there would be no debt when there is no money. No debt, no money. So many local governments in China own money.
5. Petrodollar
The Bretton Woods system was abolished in 1971 and the link between dollars and the gold was severed. Afterwards, the dollar was issued relying on the credit of the United States other than the gold. So the credit of the dollar was impaired. America carried huge debts, once the debt crisis broke out, the dollar would suffer from a great depreciation and be sold off. Kissinger, was an very provident American politician, at that time, he said that “The credit of the dollar would be greatly strengthened if the dollar was tied to petroleum”. He visited Saudi Arabia and successfully persuaded Saudi Arabia to define the dollar as the only settlement currency for oil exportation. As the oil exportation amount of Saudi Arabia accounted for more than 50% of the whole world, so any country that wanted to import petroleum shall reserve the dollar first. As petroleum was traded throughout the world, petrodollar would be the global hard currency and all countries are proud of dollar reserves. Then, excessive amount of dollars were issued at that time to repay the debt and import commodities from other countries.
V. S. dollar is debt currency while petrodollar is the foundation of U.S. debts, especially the alternative carrier after the dollar is decoupled from the gold. “No dollar, no petroleum”. Over the last four decades, all petroleum importing and exporting countries have operated according to this principle: America can purchase petroleum by printing money while other petroleum importing and exporting countries must pay the exchange rate fee to get the dollars. Reserve dollars first for using petroleum and thus all countries have to export commodities to America at a low price. On the contrast, America could get best goods in the world at a low price.
Take America among the developed countries and China among the developing countries as an example
With regards to Chinese commodities, you can buy them at a cheaper price in America. Products made in China are very popular with Americans, such as clothes, appliances and articles for daily use. 60% commodities are made in China and very cheap. For a same cloth, you can buy it with US$ 10, but you have to pay RMB 200 to buy it in China.
The price of most commodities in America (absolute price) is lower than that in China. It’s pretty eye-popping to see the big gap of price between some products. There exists an absurd phenomenon in China: The more commodities China exports, the more foreign currency they will earn but the common people live more tired. China exports commodities to foreign countries and then lends the dollars acquired to America, and thus additional RMB are left on the domestic market, becoming “waste papers” that have no commodities as the base. As such additionally issued waste papers are in circulation with the existing currencies, it will certainly lead to substantial devaluation of currencies and surge in prices of commodities. In contrast, in America, currencies in the market flow to China while Chinese commodities flow into the American market. Due to reduction of currencies in the market and increase of commodities, the price of commodities will decline consequentially and Americans could buy more commodities with their money.
1. China implements foreign exchange control. For example, if an enterprise exports US$ 100 million commodities and earns US$100 million, the enterprise shall sell the US$100 million to the government at the official price. If the exchange rate is 8.6, US$100 million could be exchanged to RMB 86 million that is created by national banks. Only by taping the keyboard, RMB 86 million could be created! However, because commodities are in the American market rather than Chinese market, inflation occurs. Therefore, the more commodities exported, the more serious of inflation would be. That’s the way it is.
2. why has China lent the dollars acquired to America? Because if the government deposits the dollars in China or other banks, it will get no or less interests. Relatively, using the dollars to purchase U.S. treasury bonds which have good credits and negotiability will not only generate higher earnings, but also is a way to show good to the U.S. government. In consideration of the relationship between China and American with regards to the politics and economy, China buys many U.S. treasury bonds, and has more than US$ trillion at preset. Russia has a difficult relationship with America, so Russian government sells off dollars and the amount of treasury bonds decreases from hundreds of billions to tens of billions. Now, Russia only has billions of U.S. treasury bonds. On the other hand, possessing so many U.S. treasury bonds can be a way to restrain America. For example, if American government has any bad move, Chinese government only has to sell off U.S. treasury bonds as a warning.
Section V: Movement of FED Abolition
President Woodrow Wilson signed the "Federal Reserve Act" on December 23, 1913. The Act authorized FED to perform the duties of the central bank, issue currency and set interest rates. Based on the constitutional idea of decentralization and checks and balances, FED exercised its rights independently, and the president and any government department had no right to interfere.
The essence and crucial point of this Act were that a private organization had the right to issue currency and formulate monetary policy independently, the government could not control FED, and that the government got loans from private banks by taking treasury bonds as a guarantee and repaid principal and interest.
"As long as I can control the currency issue of a country, I don't care who makes the law." -- Mayor Anselm Rothschild, the founder of Rothschild Bank Kingdom
America is divided into 12 reserve zones, each of which has a Federal Reserve Bank branch. FED New York Bank, which represents the interest of Wall Street financial capital, has the biggest impact on FED. In fact, US politics, diplomacy, military and economy are entirely subject to private financial capital, which we call "shadow government".
For two hundred years, the Americans have been fighting to get rid of the control and enslavement of international financial oligarchs:
1) Thomas Jefferson (Third President of the United States, chief drafter of the Declaration of Independence):
I believe that the banking system poses a greater threat to our freedom than the military. If Americans allow private banks to arbitrarily control the issuance of their currency, the banks will deprive the people of all their property until their children wake up and find themselves homeless in the land their ancestors conquered.
2) President Lincoln issued "green currency" on the basis of national credit: He was assassinated and then the "green currency" was abolished.
The government should establish all the money and credit needed to satisfy the government's consumption power and consumers’ purchasing power. In this way, money will be easy to control and become a faithful servant of mankind.
3) President Kennedy issued silver vouchers based on America's silver reserves: He was assassinated and then silver vouchers were abolished.
4) Just after the Federal Reserve Act came into effect, Senator Louis Macfadden pointed out that the World Bank system was being established, superpowers controlled by international bankers would enslave the world at will, and that FED had been usurped. He revealed that the Great Depression of 1929 was caused by humans. Soon after, he was poisoned in his office. Previously, he had survived two assassinations.
As stated earlier, FREDERIC BASTIAL (1901-1850), a political economist in France, said: When plunder becomes the lifestyle of a group of people in society, over time, they will create a legal system for themselves to legalize it.They also create a moral code for themselves that makes predation glorious. Likewise, in fact, the Federal Reserve is the biggest plunderer who legalizes the behavior of plunder and creates the Federal Reserve Act. It is like that our common people don’t understand why the U.S. government borrows the dollars from FED by taking treasury bonds as a mortgage and repays the principal and interests, and even the politicians don’t understand.
5) "I have never found anyone who can justify federal government borrowing money from itself with logic and reasoning. I believe that one day people will demand a change in status quo." -- Wright Patman, a Democrat and Chairman of the Banking and Monetary Committee of House of Representatives, in 20 years of which he consistently proposed the abolition of FED. But his proposal hasn’t been approved because the Senate and the House of Representatives are controlled by the agent of financial oligarchy. Likewise, that’s why our country’s proposal that officials shall disclose their property can’t approved because delegates of National People's Congress are rich and they don’t want to disclose their money.
6) Protests demanding "abolition of FED" broke out from time to time outside the headquarters of FED and the Federal Reserve Bank branches.
Movement of "Abolition of FED" spread all over the world. Nearly 100,000 people from more than 100 cities held a week-long demonstration in cities such as Berlin in 2014 calling for the abolition of FED and opposing the establishment of "World Government, New World Order".
7) On September 17, 2011, thousands of demonstrators gathered in Manhattan, New York, who tried occupying Wall Street. The march and protest movement "Occupying Wall Street" on October 8, 2011 was becoming increasingly fierce and influential in America, affecting thousands of American cities. Their political demands were clear: changing America's unfair and irrational political and economic systems.
All people, from American president to representatives, from common Americans to people of the world require to abolish FED. Mavrodi said that abolition of FED was in line with the public opinion and the historical development trend.
1.Currencies are signs of wealth. Currency of gold and silver=actual ownership; legal currency = IOU +promise.
2.Banks create money out of nothing. It’s a legal monopolistic scam
3.The Federal Reserve is a private organization under the control of financial oligarchy that enslaves the world
4.Petrodollars are the foundation of American financial hegemony and world supremacy.
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